Hi, my name is Lindsay and I'm a Harry Potter nerd! And, I love it! It all started with my brother being obsessed with the books. That trickled over to my mom and by the first movie I was hooked. Our entire family, with the exception of my Dad, are quite the Harry Potter fanatics! I even sucked Trent into the group but he won't read the books. "Why read the books when I can just watch the movies?"
When the release date for the final movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2, came out I knew we need to end it with a bang! These stories have been a huge part of my life and will be in my children's lives as well. I invited my family, the Hunsakers, and a few of my brothers invited friends. It was a BLAST! I enjoyed every minute of planning the party and the company was delightful. My brothers came earlier in the day to help make signs and make yummy food. I think everyone had a great time!

All but I think one of these wands was made by my brother Tyler and my mom.

Awesome signs my brothers made. There were two more but I forgot to get pictures.

We had Treacle Tarts (Harry's favorite) cake pops, caramel corn & movie theater pop corn

Of course we needed some Butter Beer

As evidence by these pictures my boys loved the Butter Beer!

Definitely NOT my best work but I made a couple Gryffindor aprons for my mom and I. I made them that day so I was a little rushed. I really wish I would have spent more time on them!