Saturday, July 18, 2009

What AZ Heat Can Do!

Ok. I know it has been a while since you all heard from me (Trent). Especially with all the trips and baby stuff that my wife likes to blog about. But I had to share this because I think it is kinda funny. I don't know if you all remember my post back on Dec 19 where I built a bridge out of popsicle sticks and put my Lego train over it. Here is the picture.

So, this last weekend Lindz and I went to St. George Utah for her family reunion and before leaving I turned the air off. Usually I just turn it up to like 85 or something but for some reason I turned it off. When we got back it was 95 in our house and this is what we came home to.

I guess the hot glue got soft and down she came. At first I thought that we were robbed cause it was a mess. So I cleaned up the Legos, put it back together later that night, and we just left the bridge there with the track. A couple of days this week there would be a piece or two that would fall during the day but she still stood. Well today after we got back from some errands this is what we came home to.

There was only one piece left on the wall and I have no idea hows it is still there. The paint must have adhered to it somehow. So I guess today she will come down completely. Good times. I just wish I was there to witness it all.


Heidi Rieck said...

haha that sucks. i was over there the other day and noticed it was broken a little bit...are you gonna rebuild it? :) it WAS pretty amazing lol

Katrina said...

sorry..the whole train thing, it was Novalee. She left said she was going to AZ for the day and she must have done that.

amber {and co.} said...

You'll just have to re-build it with Luke! I'm sure he'll love his dad's mad engineering skills :) Plus it kind of makes your house look like F.A.O. Schwartz!