-I really feel like I've done so much better with my weight this pregnancy! So far I've only gained 11 lbs. I put on almost 50 with Mr. Lucas so this is pretty exciting for me.
-That being said I'm really worried that these next couple months will catch up with me and I will put it all on again.
-At my last appt Dr. Jackson told me that Levi is "measuring a little on the large side". What does this mean!? Will I have a big baby? And I can feel it, let me tell you! Luke was 7 lbs 9 oz and I still needed the help of forceps to get him out. That was mostly cause his heart rate was dropping and we needed to get him out fast but still! I'm nervous about having to push a average size baby out all on my own this time let alone a "large" baby! I'm thinking (maybe wishful thinking?) that Levi just went through a growth spurt and that he'll average out before D day.
-We live in Maricopa and are delivering at the same hospital that we had Luke at. I love the hospital but mostly I love my Dr's and this hospital is the only place they deliver. When I had Luke though we were living about 3o minutes closer to the hospital than we do now. The hospital is a good hour away now! I don't think I will deliver in the car or anything (knock on wood!) but I am worried about having contractions in the car where I can't get comfortable for an hour. I'm no hero. I want my epidural!
-I'm feeling really motivated and excited about losing weight after this boy comes. I'm giving myself a week after he comes and then it's back to Weight Watchers!
-I recently took an awesome photography class and have yet to take my camera out and practice what I learned! What's wrong with me? I want to, trust me. I just feel so huge and so tired that crawling around for a shoot doesn't sound ideal. I need to just get out there and take my adorable toddler out for a mini shoot! Bite the bullet and do it!
-Trent is wonderful! I seriously have married the perfect man for me. He is working so hard. He is always a hard worker in everything he does but at work right now he's doing the work of about 3 people. His superior at work just quit and so he's been promoted temporarily till they find someone to take on the job full time. It is SUCH a demanding job and he's constantly going. I'm amazed at how he keeps it together. If it were me I'd come home each night (sometimes he doesn't get home till over an hour later and still has phone calls and work to do when he gets home) and want to just crash! But he still wrestles with Luke, helps with dinner, and makes time for me. I just love him. Love him!
-Luke looks so big to me lately. Maybe it's his new clothes or the fact that he tries to talk to me like he knows what he's saying. We'll have little conversations all day that mean absolutely nothing to me but he sure knows what's going on! I can't imagine how big he will look when his little brother gets here.
-I have 2 months left and I'm kinda freaking out a bit. I'm more excited than scared at this point though.
-I LOVED General Conference this weekend. I needed it so much. What I walked away with this time was that I am a Daughter of God. Because I am His I can go to him with any questions I have. Concerns. Expressions of Joy. Moments of frustration. Anything. He will always answer me and I need to really listen for those answers. Sometimes I get so caught up in my day to day life that I think he didn't answer my prayer but the truth is I just wasn't listening. He will always answer me. I just need to pay attention!
-Look how handsome my boy is! He gets his good looks from his Dad :)

It is good to vent isn't it?! I am proud of how you have been doing with your weight, pregnancy, being an awesome mom, etc. If you gain a little more no worries, Levi IS going to be a great nurser and he will help you loose the weight. PLUS you have a toddler at home who will also help with the running around and what not! Also, that's great you have a goal of WW for after you have him but make sure not to put too much pressure and stress on yourself. If it happens right when you want it to great if not it will still be ok if you don't start till a month after he gets back. Just don't cause more stress if there doesn't need to be. You will have JUST POPPED OUT A BABY and might need more then a week ;) just saying.
Luke is looking more and more like Trent, it's crazy. And as far as taking pictures, YES you just need to do it! I am dying to see your mad skills at work. :)
if you wanna take some pics, i have a little girl that just turned 1 over here :)
Luke is such a cutie and i cant wait to see what Levi looks like! You are coming up on it so fast! how exciting! enjoy every minute with your little Luke until Levi comes :) Ur such a good mommy! and soon, ur gonna be a skinny momma haha you've done so good already with the whole weight thing. Dont stress :) everything will work out (and soon you have another little Owens baby! yay!)
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