Monday, December 27, 2010

17 1/2 Weeks!

I heard you pop out more with each pregnancy. No kidding!! Here I am with #2.

Here I was at 17-18 weeks with Luke. Quite the difference!

Am I already almost 18 weeks? Seriously? I feel like this is just whipping by. With Luke it seemed like he would never come. I enjoyed and soaked in every new thing. I read my "Your Pregnancy, week by week" book practically every day! I could tell you on the spot at any given moment exactly how far a long I was, how big he was, what new things were developing at that time, etc. I was enveloped in my pregnancy and my changing body.
This time...I have to think about it when people ask how far along I am (sometimes I just say, "I'm due June 3rd). I think I've opened up my pregnancy book twice. I don't know what changes the baby is going through (How sad! I think I'll check my book after this). I am however still loving the little nudges and kick that I feel. I cherish those moments! Each time I feel it I smile. I can't help it. I really can't think of anything more incredible than bringing a life into this world.
I can honestly tell you that I love being pregnant! I love the bump. I love the smiles you get from strangers. I love marveling in the miracle of it all. I love knowing I am apart of Heavenly Father's plan of creating life. I even love the first trimester sickness because it's a constant reminder that baby is growing. I can say that because I'm out of that stage! Ok maybe 'love' is the wrong word...I can appreciate the first trimester. How's that? I love thinking about Luke as a big brother! I was the oldest in my family and I always, always wanted to have a big protective older brother! It was meant to be for me to have a son first. I will be able to watch him in that role. I'm sure I can throw in obnoxious big brother. Come on. What older siblings don't pick on the younger ones sometimes? The younger ones get even though by ruining your stuff :)
This pregnancy may be going by fast. I may not be as on the ball as I was with #1. Please don't judge me too harshly. Come on, I'm chasing after #1 most of the time! But I still am loving each moment. I think it's ok for time to slow down a bit more though. I want to soak up as much one on one time as I can with this little monster before both our worlds are going to be changed (for the better).

Monday is the big ultrasound! I think I'm more excited this time around than I was the first. I'm excited to see who will be joining us. This will change our family dynamic. I would love another boy! I'd love for Luke to grow up with a brother next. Luke has been so much fun! I love my boy. Another boy would be wonderful! However, a girl is a new adventure (I'm not gonna lie, the thought of a girl still scares me a bit). A girl might be the sweet, delicate addition our family needs. So exciting!!!! I'll be sure to post the news on Monday.


amber {and co.} said...

I couldn't agree more with you on this post! [well, except maybe the part about appreciating the first trimester sickness ;)] Having a boy first makes me more open to having a girl too, boys are so fun and Luke is going to be a great big brother! I'm so excited for you, girls scare me too but I know you would do great with one, and whatever it is baby #2 is going to be adorable like Luke Ü You've definitely "popped" more this time around but you still look great!!

amber {and co.} said...

Also, I love your hair Ü