Monday, February 2, 2009

What a LOAD OF CRAP!!!!

Are people really this ignorant and selfish!? What's worse is if you read the comments you'll see that people actually agree with this nut job!


amber {and co.} said...

Yeah this article is a joke. People who believe that limiting the population to two children a couple are incredibly naive in thinking that is magically going to make people live more eco-friendly and solve all of the global warming problems. Ignorant people are so annoying!

Kelsey said...

Wow, very interesting!! Are we becoming like China?? And what the heck, "The Government should set up a "No Child Without a Permit" Agency (CWP). The permit process includes your income, who will raise the child, who will paid for it's education and what it's employement will be. Everyone will be tracked for life." these people are down right rediculous!! I don't know what else to say...

mad white woman said...

That's infuriating. Luckily, some of the more recent comments are on our side. People are so ignorant.

What's really funny is in countries that people tried population control, they've realized they are dying faster than they are being born. So the government has started paying people lots of money to have kids.

Eric, Lexi, Reagan & Lakai said...

Sometimes I think people just write that stuff to get a rise out of everyone. This is probably the same type of person that has 5 billion bumper stickers on their car screaming every opinion they've ever had : ) P.S. How are you guys?!